Wednesday, February 29, 2012


SHITTY DAY. Whatever, not gonna let it bother me anymore, I'm ready for spring break and am looking forward to seeing a bunch of friends and hanging out with all the people i miss!  Gonna be lots of fun. Anyway My mom is pumped to see me too!! Can't wait to see her and my Stepdad and my Grandparents!! Ah it should be amazing.  Lifting this week has actually went really well!  Getting back into the 5ish days per week routine is definitely kicking my ass!  My fitness testing for track actually went well today even though I was sore as hell! Im probably gonna have to get a massage before i come home, especially wehn i got a 7 hour bus trup!  Man those trips are long.  Class went well today, managed to skip my math class because the professor was gone so there is a possibility of not having to take the math test this Friday! That would be SWEEEEEEET. Although i am getting over 100% in the class anyway, awwwwwhhhhhhh well.
Not much else to say besides i got a test in my ONLY class tomorrow and then gotta finish up a lab.  Other wise it hsould be a pretty chill day.  Looking forward to an arm workout with pictures afterward! Anyway ill leave you with a pic of me from this last weekend conference meet.  Pure determiniation on my face ;) AND it was my BIGGEST THROW EVER to date.  Love it.
Stay classy my friends.
Have a great night.
God Bless.
Much Love.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Such a chilled and relaxed day. BORING.  With only one class today, there wasnt a whole lot to do.  Went to class then came back to my dorm room.  Got to at least sleep in which felt amazing. I've been lacking sleep lately with so much on my mind... NOT COOL!!!! Managed to get a decent lift in today.  I forgot how week my chest and bench is.... but i guess that's why you put the time in the weight room, to get bigger, faster, stronger, better, and most importantly: Mentally Tough.  On a side note 3 more days of class then I'll be heading home for spring break.  I don't know if I should be excited about it, or if I should have stayed here and went on a training trip.  Well I try to live my life with no regrets, so I'm going to say I made the right decision in going home.  At least I will get to see alot of my family.  <3 Other than that there isn't much to report from today, I've got about 10 texts total and actually am ok with that.  Decided to start playing Bloons Tower Defense again :P Gosh I'm a loser!!! 
Target Cure <3
 One important thing I must mention is this Bracelet i wear everywhere.  I bought it from one of the girls who runs track for another school in our conference.  It says "Target Cure" on it.  You can probably guess what she is raising money for :) While i do not know the whole story, she did say the proceeds were going to help her father who must not be doing the best, so please anyone who reads this, keep your thoughts and prayers with my close friends family and when/if you say your prayers, it wouldnt hurt to pray there's soon a cure for cancer.  My family has had many experiences with it.... It's hard :(  Anyway, thats all for today about to go get me some subway/cafeteria food and call it a night.  Gonna do a little homework and then just relax.
Everyone have a great night and God Bless,
Much Love

Monday, February 27, 2012


2 words to describe today. Typical. Monday. It was just another blah day where everything seems to be the EXACT SAME. Definitely hoping this week goes by fast, I need to get away. As far as class goes, managed to score my lowest psych test of the year. Sometimes i feel like a disappointment. Got A total of 3 texts ALL day before 5:30 pm. Not saying I want to be texting all day, but somedays I just feel like nobody cares or wants to talk. Some people are just like light switches, one day everythings fine then the next EVERYTHING changes. Well at least without many texts I'll be able to study for my Math test this friday and my Psych Test Wednesday.
After 6 sets of squats and other various things... :)
At least the workout went well today, managed to TOTALLY destory my legs in the gym, it's a shame my left one is a tad bit bigger and more defined, I hate being unsymmetrical. Lifting weights with one of my good friends is one thing i can count on EVERYDAY. That makes me feel so much better being able to do the one thing I absolutely LOVE with a person who I can count on being there no matter what. Wondering if i should shave the top of my legs? :P MEH But i promised to talk about the good things on my Blog and not be a little bitch!! :D Got a call from my mom today! She said she's super excited for me to come home. I guess she has the whoooooolllleeeee weeks worth of meals planned out for me and let me tell you, when youve been away from home for 2 months, NOTHING and i mean Nothing, beats a home cooked meal! On the bright side my grandfather is doing well again after he had his other hip replaced!! Can't wait to see him as well! Im gonna make this Spring Break as good as possible, even if it kills me!!! I'm running out of colors to write with so this must be the the end of today's blog. I don't know why there is background color either... Weird 

Signing off,
Much Love,
God Bless,

Sunday, February 26, 2012


Finally gettin' abs!!!
WHAT A GREAT FRICKEN DAY. Got ALL of my homework done, got a great lifting session in, and I'm going to Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner.  They have my all time FAVORITE food.  Chicken. OMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOM anyway.  Felt so small in the gym today :( but then after the workout I was like "Meh not bad.  Im actually pretty big for 198lbs"! Oh and shout out to Jordan Nader (Bay Port Blue) for being the first commenter on my Blog. And i appreciate the Support more than you know!  ANYWHO 1 WEEK til SPRING BREAK. And unlike most college people, I have bought a bus ticket to go back home because i figured I'd be able to have a great break. We will see how it goes.  Well I don't have much more to say, I may post a picture a day starting today as well, not necessarily of me but just a picture of something in general. SO yea thats the end of this post. To all, have a great night and God Bless.
Much Love

Saturday, February 25, 2012


TRACK MEET=DONE-BAR So Happy!!!! Pr'd in BOTH events and my back didn't even hurt while doing it!!  Life is Pretty Damn Good right meow.  Not gonna lie, I'm on a high and it's gonna take alot to bring me down. Gonna get a GREAT lifting session in tomorrow, probably gonna work le back muscles. (for all you people who don't know french, that means THE back muscles) AH feelin great. Not much more to say.
My reward for all the hard work I've put in this Fall!!!

Nighty night world.
Much Love

Friday, February 24, 2012

Day 2

Not too much to say today, had a huge pr at the track meet and finished with a 6th place medal. PUMPED,to say the least. Weight throw tomorrow and then relaxing. Such a great weekend. I've definitely needed this.
Signing off, much love

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Day 1

Well Here We Go! Short blog today.  Unfortunately I have a ton on my mind.  I think I've lost the most important thing in my life and I have 1 chance to get it back.  Based on how things have been going though, I'm pretty sure it's gone, there isn't any other explanation why this person would act the way they did unless they wanted to leave.  Oh well... Life goes on,  Reppin SCSU on my chest this weekend at the NSIC conference meet,  Itd be HUGE if i could make finals in the shotput considering im the second farthest frosh thrower in the conference.  MUST FOCUS ON TRACK.  Anyway ill probably update from my ipod tomorrow, or maybe later on the bus ride.  I have no idea. Well I guess I'm signing off for now, hopefully things go well this weekend and i can get back on track :)
Much love to all, signing off.
